Biblical Counseling Services

At Community Central Church we offer a Bible Counseling Service to help in whatever difficulties you may be facing. Our counselors are trained and professional, making sure every visit remains confidential. We use God’s Word as our focus in helping guide our clients in every step of their journey, whatever they may be. ALL services are free. For more information and to make an appointment:

Theresa Slinkard


Bea Dunn


Sheri Walker


Don Vaughn


1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

rescue mission

In partnership with the Evansville Rescue Mission, Community Central Church helps with their mission.

1st Sunday of every month: Meal. 

2nd Friday of every month: Bing0/Snack night.

Come and join us!

For more information contact Tammy and Eric Mickel or Bill and Deb Rogers.

For more information about the Evansville Rescue Mission, click here