Capital Campaign

Current Standing

Fundraising ideas for schools, churches, and youth sports teamsThermometer By ABC Fundraising®

God has given us a wonderful building as a tool to help us reach our community with the good news about Jesus. We want to be good stewards of all God has provided. That means using every inch we can for his purposes. We have quite a bit of space in our building that we can’t use because it’s either unfinished or in need of important repairs. This includes the church’s sanctuary and much of our second floor.

We’re praying for God to provide $80,000 in order to purchase some of the supplies and equipment needed to make the former sanctuary operational and make significant progress on the second floor for a Kindergarten through 5th grade private school. Please pray for God’s provision and ask how God might want you to be a part of this work.

Our Goals

Open the Old Sanctuary
$80,000 For Supplies to Start
Start a K-5th Grade Private School
rescue mission

In partnership with the Evansville Rescue Mission, Community Central Church helps with their mission.

1st Sunday of every month: Meal. 

2nd Friday of every month: Movie/Snack night.

4th Friday of every month: Bingo/Snack night.

Come and join us!

For more information contact Tammy and Eric Mickel or Bill and Deb Rogers.

For more information about the Evansville Rescue Mission, click here