Community Central Church desires to make a difference in the north Evansville community through the message of hope that only Jesus Christ provides.

Children's Sunday School

Working through LifeWay Curriculumn
For more information *click here*
Take home lessons provided.

Children's Church

Children stay with parents for worship and then come for activities, crafts, and a Bible lesson during the church sermon.

Bible Study

Every Wednesday night at 6 pm. We provide dinner and a fun Biblical lesson to help children grow in their understanding and knowledge of the Bible.

Preschool and Nursery

Preschool - available during all of church service. Working through Instant Bible Lessons for Preschool. For more information *click here*
Take home lessons provided.
Nursery - Available Wednesday nights and during church service. We ask all parents/guardians to sign children in and out at the desk located in the center room.
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