July 20th - 24th

At VBS this year we will be taking a closer look at the magnificent creation our magnificent God has created! In all His greatness and in all His love, He has given us a beautiful world that magnifies His mighty power! This year’s VBS will teach children just one of the many reasons we praise God and why we are made to magnify His mighty name!

VBS logo

Ages 3 (potty trained) to 5th grade. 

VBS Details:
5:15 p.m. Doors open and registration begins
5:30 p.m. Optional meal provided at *no cost*
6:00 p.m. VBS begins
8:30 p.m. VBS ends
(Parents! Please be on campus by 8:20 to pick your children up as it concludes each evening).

Sign Up Your Child for VBS

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Parent's Name
First and Last Name
rescue mission

In partnership with the Evansville Rescue Mission, Community Central Church helps with their mission.

1st Sunday of every month: Meal. 

2nd Friday of every month: Movie/Snack night.

4th Friday of every month: Bingo/Snack night.

Come and join us!

For more information contact Tammy and Eric Mickel or Bill and Deb Rogers.

For more information about the Evansville Rescue Mission, click here